Day 9

Thursday, July 23, 2020

What does it take to build and sustain an inquiry stance in the face of both flux (pandemic) and standardization?

9:00 - 9:15

Welcome & Reviewing Reflections

  • Principals, Advanced Institute teachers, and PhilWP leaders will be audience today

9:15 - 9:30

Writing Into the Day: Within, Against & Beyond

  • Introduce today’s focus question: What does it take to build and sustain an inquiry stance in the face of both flux (pandemic) and standardization?

  • Ask teachers to look back at Lytle et al. (2009) to the section “Teacher research in Philadelphia: a ‘telling’ case.” As you read, reflect on how you think an inquiry stance might be beneficial in the face of flux and standardization. Specifically, think ahead: What would it look like for you to continue to develop an inquiry stance as you work “within, beyond, and against” the systems in which we participate.

9:30 - 9:40


  • In the virtual circle, read one sentence from your writing about “within, beyond, and against” in the serial testimony routine.

9:40 - 10:15

Teaching with Picture Books and Primary Sources: Within, Against, and Beyond

  • Introduce the idea that while we often work in schools with set standards and provided text sets, we can often find opportunities to work within, beyond, and against these structures. Specifically, many of your principals encouraged you to apply to this summer institute knowing that we would be sharing resources and approaches that supplement but do not simply mirror the resources provided by the district.

  • Take about 20 minutes to look at blog posts written by an elementary school librarian outside of St. Louis about teaching with picture books and using primary sources. Select one blog to read, share the link in a slide, and comment on what you noticed and wondered about. What possibilities for working within, beyond, and against stood out to you?

  • Gallery Walk: Look through the slides. Add comments if something resonates with you.

10:20 - 10:30


10:30 - 11:00

Choose an Option: Planning and Thinking More About Picture Books and Primary Sources

  1. Begin listening to Jefries, H., & Thomas, E. E. (2019). Teaching slavery through children’s literature — Part 1, Season 2, Episode 5 [Audio podcast]. Teaching Tolerance.

  2. In your group, you might prepare for principals or other guests.

11:00 - 11:10

Welcome: Share Emerging Inquiries with Guests

11:00 - 11:40

Breakout: Share Emerging Inquiries with Guests


Closing and Afternoon Activities

Virtual circle


Writing into the Day

Teaching with picture books and primary sources: Within, against & beyond

Dr. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas' podcast

One word reflections