Day 3

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How have learning spaces been (re)defined for me?

9:00 - 9:10

Welcome and Housekeeping

9:10 - 9:25

Reviewing Yesterday's Reflections

  • Read yesterday's reflections

      • Highlight in green anything that resonates with you.

      • Highlight in yellow anything you would like to hear more about.

      • If you select something someone else selected, add a comment.

9:25 - 9:40

Writing Into the Day: Freedom Schools

9:40 - 10:15

Reflecting on How Learning Spaces Have Been Defined

10:15 - 10:25


10:15 - 11:15

(Re)defining Learning Spaces in 2020

  • Create a six word memoir in response to the day’s focus question that takes into account your experiences this spring during remote learning. (Here's what we came up with.)

      • What has been defined and redefined for you?

      • What have you sought to define yourself?

      • What about your students and their families?

  • Read the piece “What Is freedom? Teaching kids philosophy in a pandemic.”

      • What resonates with you about the ways in which the piece (re)defines learning spaces?

      • Is there some further redefinition work you’d suggest if you were in dialogue with the educators who designed this space?

  • Check back in as whole group: As we look forward to the fall, what might we do to further define what learning spaces can be for ourselves and our students? What’s a takeaway from today so far? In what ways might students be invited to redefine school?

11:15- 11:35

Introduce ISI Portfolio

11:35 - 11:40 + afternoon

Closing and Afternoon Activities

  1. Add one word to a shared slide to describe how you are feeling during day 3.

  2. Journal groups

      • Recommended for this summer—but find a routine that works for your group: Write for 20 minutes, then meet together for 20 minutes using a platform that works for your group

  3. Reaction Sheet

  4. Asynchronous Activity: Check on and add to posts in the TPS Teachers Network

  5. Reading to Prepare for Day 4:

Slideshow — Day 3 — PhilWP 2020 ISI

Overview of the Freedom Schools, 1964

Visible Thinking Routine: Headlines

Our headlines / titles / captions

LOC Teacher Blog: Capture the heart of a primary source with a headline

Glenda Funchess oral history interview conducted by Emilye Crosby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 2015 Dec 2

Whose core is it?

Headlines for two more primary sources

We can educate all our children

Our six word memoirs of spring 2020

What is freedom? Teaching kids philosophy in a pandemic

Reflections on (re)defining learning spaces in the fall

Portfolio Overview — 2020 PhilWP ISI

ISI Portfolio overview

One word reflections