Day 1

Monday, July 13, 2020

What is inquiry? How do we use writing to build an inquiry community?

9:00 - 9:15


9:15 - 9:45

Introductions and Virtual Circle Check In

9:45 - 10:10

Reflecting on Working Agreements

  • During the asynchronous pre-institute discussions, we reflected on three proposed working agreements: fully engage, equitable discourse, and speak/write your truth

  • In home groups, discuss how we might practically honor and instantiate these agreements; designate a reporter

  • In whole group, share what your group discussed:

      • Protocols and routines are useful (who speaks when, time, clear expectations and goals for discussions, getting to know each other)

      • Assume good intentions: We are working from our homes and our realities differ, so patience and understanding are crucial.

      • Keep multitasking to a minimum.

      • Challenge yourself: If you are a talker, do more listening. If you are a listener, share more.

      • Use "I" statements.

      • Less is more.

10:10 - 10:20


10:20- 11:15

Practitioner Inquiry and Using Writing to Build an Inquiry Community

11:15 - 11:25 + afternoon

Closing and Afternoon Activities

Day 1 - PhilWP 2020 ISI Slideshow — For Teachers

Reverend John Norwood reflects on Lenni-Lenape and Lenapehoking

Virtual circle

Serial testimony protocol

Three proposed working agreements

Dr. Susan Lytle discusses inquiry as stance

At last: Practitioner inquiry and the practice of teaching

Whole group writing about practitioner inquiry helping us "understand what's possible"

One word reflections