Day 2

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

What does community mean for me as I think about re-entering my building and teaching again?

9:00 - 9:05

Welcome and Housekeeping

9:25 - 9:45

Reviewing Yesterday's Reflections

  • Read and reflect on yesterday's reflections using text rendering protocol

      • Make your own copy of the document to annotate

      • Identify one sentence, one phrase, and one word

      • Read sentence aloud in today's virtual circle, followed by phrase and then word without comment

  • Reflect on the text rendering protocol experience:

      • What themes stood out to you?

      • What about the experience worked for you?

9:45 - 10:10

"Brave Spaces": Resonances and Challenges

10:10 - 10:20


10:20- 11:05

Using Writing + Primary Sources to Build and Inquire Into Community

  • Introduce today's focus question: What does community mean for me as I think about re-entering my building and teaching again?

    • This question can help us think about...

  1. how we’re building community together as practitioners,

  2. how we might work with our students to build a classroom community, and

  3. how we might work with students to explore what being part of a community outside of school could look like.

11:05- 11:40

Poses, Wobbles, and Flows

  • What “poses” were present?

  • What were the “wobbles”?

  • What do you envision “flow” like?

11:40 - 11:45 + afternoon

Closing and Afternoon Activities

  1. Add a word to a shared slide to describe how you are feeling after day 2.

  2. Journal groups

      • Recommended for this summer: Write for 20 minutes, then meet together for 20 minutes using a platform that works for your group

  3. Reaction Sheet

  4. Asynchronous Activity: Exploring

  5. Reading to Prepare for Day 3:

Day 2 Slideshow — For Teachers — PhilWP 2020 ISI

Virtual circle

Text rendering protocol

Calling on co-conspirators

"Brave" spaces group note catcher

Pre-institute reflections on creating "brave" spaces

Primary source used for whole group analysis

What we saw, though, and wondered as a whole group

"What makes you say that?" thinking routine

Analysis of three more primary sources in JamBoard

Introduction to pose, wobble, and flow

One word reflections

Exploring — Day 2 Asynchronous Activity — 2020 PhilWP ISI

Afternoon asynchronous activity: Exploring