Day 6

Monday, July 20, 2020

What are the resources teachers bring into a learning space?

9:00 - 9:25

Welcome, Reviewing Reflections, and Checking in on Agreements

9:25 - 9: 40

Writing Into the Day

  • Introduce today's focus question: What are the resources teachers bring into a learning space?

  • Listen to 4 minutes (33:30 - 37:28) of "Shame, Brown Pride, and Pro-Blackness" from La Cura podcast

      • As you listen to Marisa Franco, what are the connections you are making to inquiry, "teacher as text," and Stevenson's notion of storytelling as a way to understand racial literacies, and the identity work we did Friday?

9:40 - 9:50

Intro to Borderlands / La Frontera

  • "To write, to be a writer. I have to trust and believe in myself as a speaker, as a voice for the images. I have to believe that I can communicate with images and words and I can do it well. A lack of belief in my creative self is a lack of belief in my total self and vice versa I cannot separate my writing from any part of my life. It is all one." —Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands

9:50 - 10:20

Teaching as Autobiography

  • "I have come to believe that being aware of and valuing one’s autobiography must be at the heart of teaching because, as the educator Linda Gibson has described it, teaching is an encounter with the self.” —Sonia Nieto, What Keeps Teachers Going?

  • Write about how your own background or experience have influenced your decision to pursue a career in teaching.

  • If it's helpful: How do the "borderlands"offer a lens into your teaching autobiography? Where have there been troubling moments of transition and deep reflection that influenced your practice?

10:20 - 10:30


10:30 - 11:15

Writing Workshop

In your workshop group:

  • Each person reads their autobiography (2 times if possible).

  • Group members respond using two stickies in a Jamboard that they create and then share with the author who's reading their work aloud.

      • Sticky note 1: What stands out? What works?

      • Sticky note 2: What I'd like to know more about.

  • Stickies are read aloud and then sent to the reader who may choose to respond to certain comments/questions, but responders should respect the writer's wishes to quietly reflect on feedback.

  • Everyone is reminded to be descriptive, not evaluative in their responses.

11:15 - 11:25

Debrief Writing Workshop Experience

  • What was this writing workshop like for you as an adult writer?

  • What is your experience with writing workshop as a teacher?

  • How might you adapt this writing workshop process to your particular learning space?

11:25 - 11:35 + afternoon

Closing and Afternoon Activities

Day 6 Slideshow — For Teachers — PhilWP 2020 ISI

Virtual Circle

Reviewing Reflections

"Shame, Brown Pride and Pro-Blackness" from La Cura Podcast

Intro to Borderlands / La Frontera

Time to Write: Teacher Autobiography

Writing Workshop Protocol